Enthusiastically seeking good people* to do great work with.

(*For real. Good eggs only)

Hello, I’m Jess!

Firstly, can I say—thanks for popping by. This is my little corner of the internet and I hope it helps you find what you’re looking for. Let me self-indulge for a minute or two, and let you know a little about me. It’s possible you’re curious if you’ve landed here.

I began my creative career many moons ago working for Lisa Messenger at the much adored Collective Hub magazine. After moving onto Aussie favourites, Seafolly and Miléa, I took a chance job offer that whisked me from my comfortable Australian reality, to a new and exciting phase living and working in the Los Angeles fashion industry.

Since returning home to Australia, I’ve steadily built my client base and portfolio to focus on bigger branding and book projects, with clients whose values mirror my own. Having experienced the dark and wasteful side of the fashion industry first-hand, I am now committed to collaborating only with clients whose hearts and back pockets are “in the right place”.

I believe my skill as a creative is my ability to “empathise with passion”, and that it’s my empathy and deep understanding of our underlying desires that helps to tease out each clients “why”.

If you’re feeling inspiration dance around your edges, and you’re looking for the right person to help bring your vision to life–please, reach out and say hi.

Her personal approach was my favourite part about working with Jess. I looked forward to each and every meeting and left feeling inspired and excited about every idea she pitched.”—Jessie Chalmers, Ruby and James

My Creative Toolkit

Creative Direction
Art Direction
Brand Strategy
Brand Design
Book Design
Graphic Design